Introducing our new team members: Pedro Campos (Programme Assistant) and Dr Sumera Jabeen (Partner)

As part of our social responsibility, we frequently provide mentorship support to young professionals and/or students you are interested in interning with us for durations of between 6-12 months. We are pleased to welcome Pedro Campos to our team as our Programme Assistant, and he will be with us for the next while. With a background in international relations and human resources, Pedro brings fresh ideas for our operations including social media management and project specific support.

“Hey! My name is Pedro and I am the new EADS intern! I am 21 years old (almost 22) and I was born in Brazil but I have been calling Lisbon ‘home’ for more than 3 years. I came to Portugal in September 2018 without know anything or anyone. It was, and still is, such an adventure. Today I can look back and I am thankful for my choice because I built, and I am still building, an amazing life in Lisbon. Also, on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, I have been able to discover myself and to meet amazing people from all around the world who I will carry for life. This is a bit of me and my story!”

We are also pleased to welcome our new Partner, Dr Sumera Jabeen, who brings over seventeen years’ experience in the social development sector in Asia, Africa and Australia to EADS. Over the last two years, she has worked with us as a consultant and her input has been invaluable particularly in providing quality assurance support to our work. She brings in substantial experience in monitoring, evaluation and learning with national and international NGOs, and has a rich experience in setting up and running monitoring systems, conducting and commissioning evaluations of development programmes of different scales and in various sectors including economic development, natural resource management, education, nutrition, gender equality and women’s economic empowerment and capacity development. Sumera also has specific interest and experience in gender equality programming, alternative adult and child education and training. Her summary profile is available here

As EADS, we welcome both team members and look forward to positive times ahead.