This is the second in our series of useful free learning resources to support parents and teachers who are supporting their children’s homeschooling during covid-19.

Children will be aware now, more than ever, of our world.  They will also have been introduced, in school, to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  Globally, all countries are working together to achieve by 2030 17 goals called the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  There are many resources to support children to learn about the 17  goals, at home, with many fun activities to do, videos to watch, and actions to take. We have put together our top 10 learning resources on the SDGs, which include resources suited to all learning styles.


  1. The World’s Largest Lesson

Excellent resources on each global goal, including videos, worksheets, handouts, games. Every year in September, a lesson on the global goals is taught in as many classrooms as possible all over the world.


2. UNESCO SDG material

Click on any goal and find age appropriate information, videos, worksheets, suggestions on taking action, games.


3. Teach SDGs

Age related videos, some using children’s favourite TV characters and programmes, such as Tomas the Tank Engine, board games, online games, and more.


4. Global Goals resources

Films for each goal, such as Malala for SDG4 and films to advocate for stopping plastic use, as well as other resources.


5. Games for Sustainability – Gamepedia

Over 100 online and offline games enabling development of understanding of and skills based on each of the SDGs.


6. SDG Challenge – Development Perspectives

Click on each of the 17 goals for information, access to videos and games, and suggestions and challenges to support.


7. Concern Worldwide SDG materials

The booklet, devised by Concern Worldwide, provides information and three activities to explore the origins of the global goals, their purpose and how we all have a part to play in meeting them.  This site also has other development education resources including free book and experts on hand to answer your questions.


8. One world centre global goals list of resources

Links to information, videos, courses and games  provided by various organisations, such as Oxfam, World Vision, UNICEF, WWF.


9. SDGs for Children

This site has lovely 1 minute videos of children explaining each of the SDGs, podcasts and other materials.


10. Trocaire social justice learning resources

These resources include various games and challenges, based on the SDGs, all focusing on social justice.  They are divided into age-ranges, themes, country and type of resources.


Enjoy using these learning resources with your children.


If you come across other useful SDG learning resources or comments on any of those we have shared, please let us know on:

We wish you and your families all the best during this time, continue to focus on staying safe through following the WHO guidelines – Practice social distancing and frequent hand-washing.  We will get through this difficult time.